3D Printed Custom Foot Orthotics
Our revolutionary orthotics were developed from cutting-edge foot care technology. Using the patented dynamic Footscan® and biomechanical measurements, we analyse your gait, identify issues and discuss solutions, which may include the prescription of orthotics.
Your bespoke state-of-the-art 3D-printed Phits® insoles are designed from data accurately gathered from over 4000 high speed sensors. They are made to individually fit each foot, and come with a two-year guarantee.
For the final stage of this service, you can choose whether to collect your orthotics from Fitstuff, or return to the clinic for a follow up appointment with Andy (for which there is an additional charge).
Used by Paula Radcliffe and Mo Farah
We don’t just fit you with an insole and send you on your way! We can combine this analysis with a rehabilitation programme, to ensure you are strong and fit enough to continue with the activities you love doing most.
Assessment & purchase of orthotics £335.00