Skinfold caliper assessments
Skinfold caliper assessments provides a reliable and non-invasive method for athletes to estimate their body composition. The test not only measures skinfold thickness, but also circumferences, girths, proportions, and body types, providing a comprehensive evaluation of anthropometry.
Our skinfold measures are performed by a clinical physiologist, accredited by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).
The evaluation of body fat distribution has profound implications for endurance performance and overall health. Studies have shown that higher skinfold thicknesses in athletes are predictive of injury, hinder mobility and flexibility, and decrease running speed over all distances. Furthermore, central obesity, as highlighted through skinfold assessment, is associated with elevated risks of coronary heart disease and metabolic disorders. In contrast, individuals who have a higher proportion of peripheral fat deposits are considered to have lower metabolic health risks. Regular monitoring of body composition provides a comprehensive understanding of an athlete’s fitness and can aid in informed decision-making regarding training and nutrition programs.
The following indicators of body composition are described in a comprehensive scientific report utilising normative datasets to identify areas of improvement:
- Height (cm)
- Weight (kg)
- Body mass index (BMI)
Skinfolds (mm):
- Biceps
- triceps
- subscapular
- iliac crest
- supraspinale
- abdominal
- mid-axillary
- thigh
- calf
Circumferences (cm):
- Waist
- Hip
- Mid-upper arm (relaxed)
- Belly of bicep (tensed)
- Calf
Bone breadths (mm):
- Humerus
- Femur
- Wrist